Your statement was: "Thanks for the info BUT we DID NOT, evolve, we have a creator!" and my reply was: "Both CAN be - and probably are - TRUE!" The second statement you sent addresses neither one: ". . . we believe in God who sent His son Jesus Christ to die for ALL of our sins and he did this on this Passover weekend defeating death by rising up from the grave. That's what we believe and if you were responding to this statement, either you believe or you don't! There is no way it can be BOTH."
Please explain how believing in the divinity and resurrection of Jesus Christ (which is not the same thing as believing in a creator—virtually everyone in every religion with the exception of atheists and some—but not even all--agnostics, believes in a "creator" and yet obviously do not believe in the divinity and resurrection of Jesus Christ) is mutually exclusive with evolution.
There is a mis-conception that "evolution" is either something that "happened" or "did not happen" and that faith and/or belief in a creator and the concept of evolution are somehow mutually exclusive. They are not. I am only 50 years old, but I have seen evolution within my lifetime. People are not only fatter, but taller, stronger--indeed the average body shape is tremendously different than it was just 50 years ago.
You see, evolution is not something which either "happened or did not happen"--it is the state we are constantly in. Virtually all higher life-forms are "adaptive mechanisms"--constantly adapting, both cognitively and physically, to the world around them. Our bodies are the highest expression of this marvelous ability. As we are presented with a new stimulus, we make some adaptations cognitively--we "decide" to do something based on either what we have "learned" from our own experiences or on what we have been "taught" by someone else. When we integrate that new response into our actions, that is "evolution"--in this case cognitive. When our bodies are presented with a new stimulus, they too adapt. We may or may not be aware of the adaptation, but it happens regardless—and "thank God" it does--or the human race would have long ago ceased to exist.
Let's take, for instance, a look at toxins. When a toxin attacks one of your cells, among the actions taken by your amazing, superbly-designed body, is to dispatch "phyto-nutrients" to repair any damage done to your DNA. This is a very basic example of an adaptive mechanism. Whether you believe that the world was created six to eight thousand years ago or 4 to 5 billion years ago, I am quite sure you do realize that the vast majority of toxins we encounter has only been created and present for only a couple 100 years or so. Further, the leading-edge of science is showing us that these same phyto-nutrients may actually be the agent which not only repairs damaged DNA, but may also be the very "reprogramming agent" which codes the adaptive changes directly into our DNA so this new capability can be passed-on to our offspring--evolution. I find it an awesome and wondrous thing to contemplate that a benevolent creator designed into my body--all of our bodies--the ability to adapt to the misbegotten poisons mankind has mass-produced, fouled this beautiful planet, and threatened our very existence with.
To fully and completely deny evolution is to deny the worth of our products. For if they don't help our body to react, adapt, and improve our ability to survive--then what exactly is the point to what we are doing? And to say that a Creator--however one conceives of one--would not have created this ability--is to limit that very Creator. To claim that the Creator could not have "Created Evolution" is arrogance. I choose to NEVER attempt to impose ANY limits on the Being I believe created this amazing Universe. For it is HIS UNIVERSE, and HE is one with EVERYTHING IN IT. This is my belief.
Everyone who has ever taken one of my product trainings will tell you that I often reference "intelligent design"--and that I remark on how amazing and wonderous it is and how lucky we are to be here as this science is JUST NOW bringing us to a point where we can begin to understand just HOW AMAZING AND WONDEROUS it all truly is. Science and Faith are not mutually exclusive. I believe in a limitless Creator, who gifted us with the ability to learn, to adapt, to grow, indeed to evolve in amazing ways--including the ability to evolve in our understanding, belief, love, faith, and joy in being the children—created in the very likeness of such an awesome Creator.
Be Well,
Joe Woolsey
Labels: creation, Creator, evolution, faith, intelligent design, science
so glad you addressed this. sometimes i tire of the mutually exclusive polarities that a few of our friends seem to insist on.
i especially appreciate your last two sentences.
after many years of spiritual evolution, my emerging belief could be summarized just that way.
thanks again.
By susan frederick, At 3:34 PM
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